
I would like to start off by saying that i by no means claim to be a writer and i ensure you i am no linguistic wizard. I sure hell don’t have a lingual crown and the less that can be said about the little rapscallion down the street stealing my grammatical sactual the better. That being said i do have a D grade at AS level English. Eat your heart out Ernest Hemingway. What i am world is a kid with a dream. I  am 23 year old degenerate living in Plymouth that spends more time drinking, taking ecstasy, playing poker and taking the piss out of my mates than i do studying and being a respectable member of society. The lyrics go in the popular Blink 182 hit “Nobody likes you when your 23”. Well if i was a 40 year old hard working member of society i would think i was a waste of space and a bit of a cunt. So as my favorite poker commentator Joe Stapleton would say “Story Checks out”.

I have to admit this first Blog has no purpose but in all honestly about five people will probably read this so whateva G. I have however wanted to create a Blog for a while and i am just gonna flow with this and see what comes out. There is allot of shit that goes on in society that really riles me and in all honestly i simply wanted a place to express myself. If people read this cool but if not i don’t really care. I have an outlandish point of view and not everyone will agree with that. I’m cool with that. I do however believe in a Liberal society where everyone can express themselves without being handcuffed. People take minor issues and themselves way too seriously and everyone wants to get on the increasing macro social trend bandwagon of creating issues that don’t exist to make them feel that they are making there difference in the world when really there energy could be more productively used elsewhere. In reality they are handcuffing everyone else down in society by creating a pessimistic culture of fear where if one person translates a completely innocent piece of information one way the bandwagon will arrive and blow it completely out of proportion. This is our society ladies and gents i am afraid.i don’t believe in creating a culture where everyone has to watch there toes and as long as the action is not sinister or dangerous i believe in an anything goes society that is not monitor by a higher power run by the privileged whose only concept of reality is what they have read in a book while studying at Eton all boys school. Anyway rant over i am going out for a few drinks. Wish me luck on the sleaze. Trust me i need it.

Holla Bolla Ross Puffin

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