Robin Hood Vs Insurance Sharks

Hey Guys

October last year and I was travelling to Brighton alongside my Dad. Out of nowhere a car loses control and hits us side on, luckily for us we were all ok. I was badly winded which was likely due to the seatbelt and fell to my knees as I left the car but all seemed ok.

Both cars however were written off and the Women occupying the other vehicle appeared badly injured. Two vehicles stopped to give us a helping hand. One contained a trainee doctor which was useful. I then had to climb through the window into the car to get her out. I had to navigate my way over dark blood to get to her. She appeared unconscious and snoring very heavily. I removed her seatbelt and after instruction by the nurse on the phone got her out the vehicle. The woman was helicoptered away and died later that night. A sad time for her family and I wish them all the best.

For a lot of people this experience would be traumatic. I went into flight or fight at the time and tried to do the best I could to help the woman out. This being said I did not know the woman personally and there is tragedy every day. This is what I keep telling myself. I try to disconnect myself away from this isolated situation. In Africa lots of people are dying every single day. Many people are murdered in south America over drug wars and North Korea is fucked. Lots of people are experiencing tragedy’s and terrors every day so in theory why should I get upset over this one isolated event. The answer is I wont let it. A lot of people are so wrapped up in there perfect western lives that when things like this happen its like there world comes crashing down and they think the worlds a horrible place. As I said I didn’t know the women and was not going to let it effect me more or less than other tragedy out there.

This being said I was clearly traumatised for a good few weeks. It was the first time I experienced death first hand after all. RIP and best wishes to the family involved. It was at this stage when my solicitors got in touch with me. This was when I was met with my ethical conundrum. My financial situation is extremely poor. I am 2K into my overdraft and still live at home. I am 24 years and have just left University. I had minor whiplash and that was it, the question became very apparent. Do I try and go for the lot and go aboard this Post traumatic Gold rush?

Would this make me a bad person I asked myself?. I asked my friends and they instructed that I milk it as much as I can. Robin Hood comes to mind as a reference. Quickly I realised Fuck the Man, lets get the lot. This wont affect her family right?

There’s a link of what you can get.

As humans we have progressed through capitalizing on situations where we can gain advantage. We find loopholes and in it success. I see this as a loophole that humans must capitalize on. Throughout our lives we will all be put in situations where we get beat up by the big fish and there is nothing we can do about it. Therefore to become our best selves we need to be constantly pushing ourselves to find edges in the rare spots we can so we get to where we want to be. We need to work hard, educate ourselves and push loopholes whenever we can. This is how we find success. After careful deliberation I came to the conclusion I had to make the most out of this situation.

So this is where I am now, In two weeks I have a meeting with a psychologist and this will impact if I get awarded PTS or not. I have a long thought out strategy in place and will be making the most out of this Gold Rush.

Yours sincerely Ross Puffin


I would like to start off by saying that i by no means claim to be a writer and i ensure you i am no linguistic wizard. I sure hell don’t have a lingual crown and the less that can be said about the little rapscallion down the street stealing my grammatical sactual the better. That being said i do have a D grade at AS level English. Eat your heart out Ernest Hemingway. What i am world is a kid with a dream. I  am 23 year old degenerate living in Plymouth that spends more time drinking, taking ecstasy, playing poker and taking the piss out of my mates than i do studying and being a respectable member of society. The lyrics go in the popular Blink 182 hit “Nobody likes you when your 23”. Well if i was a 40 year old hard working member of society i would think i was a waste of space and a bit of a cunt. So as my favorite poker commentator Joe Stapleton would say “Story Checks out”.

I have to admit this first Blog has no purpose but in all honestly about five people will probably read this so whateva G. I have however wanted to create a Blog for a while and i am just gonna flow with this and see what comes out. There is allot of shit that goes on in society that really riles me and in all honestly i simply wanted a place to express myself. If people read this cool but if not i don’t really care. I have an outlandish point of view and not everyone will agree with that. I’m cool with that. I do however believe in a Liberal society where everyone can express themselves without being handcuffed. People take minor issues and themselves way too seriously and everyone wants to get on the increasing macro social trend bandwagon of creating issues that don’t exist to make them feel that they are making there difference in the world when really there energy could be more productively used elsewhere. In reality they are handcuffing everyone else down in society by creating a pessimistic culture of fear where if one person translates a completely innocent piece of information one way the bandwagon will arrive and blow it completely out of proportion. This is our society ladies and gents i am afraid.i don’t believe in creating a culture where everyone has to watch there toes and as long as the action is not sinister or dangerous i believe in an anything goes society that is not monitor by a higher power run by the privileged whose only concept of reality is what they have read in a book while studying at Eton all boys school. Anyway rant over i am going out for a few drinks. Wish me luck on the sleaze. Trust me i need it.

Holla Bolla Ross Puffin